/* Copyright (C) NAVER corp. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * Smart Editor 2 Configuration : This setting must be changed by service */ window.nhn = window.nhn || {}; nhn.husky = nhn.husky || {}; nhn.husky.SE2M_Configuration = nhn.husky.SE2M_Configuration || {}; /** * CSS LazyLoad瑜� �꾪븳 寃쎈줈 */ nhn.husky.SE2M_Configuration.SE2B_CSSLoader = { sCSSBaseURI : "css" }; /** * �몄쭛�곸뿭 �ㅼ젙 */ nhn.husky.SE2M_Configuration.SE_EditingAreaManager = { sCSSBaseURI : "css", // smart_editor2_inputarea.html �뚯씪�� �곷�寃쎈줈 sBlankPageURL : "smart_editor2_inputarea.html", sBlankPageURL_EmulateIE7 : "smart_editor2_inputarea_ie8.html", aAddtionalEmulateIE7 : [] // IE8 default �ъ슜, IE9 ~ �좏깮�� �ъ슜 }; /** * [�뱀젒洹쇱꽦] * �⑥텞�� ALT+, ALT+. �� �댁슜�섏뿬 �ㅻ쭏�몄뿉�뷀꽣 �곸뿭�� �댁쟾/�댄썑 �붿냼濡� �대룞�� �� �덈떎. * sBeforeElementId : �ㅻ쭏�몄뿉�뷀꽣 �곸뿭 �댁쟾 �붿냼�� id * sNextElementId : �ㅻ쭏�몄뿉�뷀꽣 �곸뿭 �댄썑 �붿냼�� id * * �ㅻ쭏�몄뿉�뷀꽣 �곸뿭 �댁쇅�� �쒕ぉ �곸뿭 (��:�ㅻ쭏�몄뿉�뷀꽣媛� �곸슜�� 釉붾줈洹� �곌린 �섏씠吏��먯꽌�� �쒕ぉ �곸뿭) �� �대떦�섎뒗 �섎━癒쇳듃�먯꽌 Tab�ㅻ� �꾨Ⅴ硫� �먮뵒�� �곸뿭�쇰줈 �ъ빱�ㅻ� �대룞�쒗궗 �� �덈떎. * sTitleElementId : �쒕ぉ�� �대떦�섎뒗 input �붿냼�� id. */ nhn.husky.SE2M_Configuration.SE2M_Accessibility = { ed_nonce : (typeof parent.ed_nonce !='undefined') ? parent.ed_nonce : '', sBeforeElementId : '', sNextElementId : '', sTitleElementId : '' }; /** * 留곹겕 湲곕뒫 �듭뀡 */ nhn.husky.SE2M_Configuration.SE2M_Hyperlink = { bAutolink : true // �먮룞留곹겕湲곕뒫 �ъ슜�щ�(湲곕낯媛�:true) }; nhn.husky.SE2M_Configuration.Quote = { sImageBaseURL : 'http://static.se2.naver.com/static/img' }; nhn.husky.SE2M_Configuration.SE2M_ColorPalette = { bUseRecentColor : false }; nhn.husky.SE2B_Customize_ToolBar = jindo.$Class(/** @lends nhn.husky.SE2B_Customize_ToolBar */{ name : "SE2B_Customize_ToolBar", /** * @constructs * @param {Object} oAppContainer �먮뵒�곕� 援ъ꽦�섎뒗 而⑦뀒�대꼫 */ $init : function(oAppContainer) { this._assignHTMLElements(oAppContainer); }, $BEFORE_MSG_APP_READY : function(){ this._addEventMoreButton(); }, /** * @private * @description DOM�섎━癒쇳듃瑜� �섏쭛�섎뒗 硫붿냼�� * @param {Object} oAppContainer �대컮 �ы븿 �먮뵒�곕� 媛먯떥怨� �덈뒗 div �섎━癒쇳듃 */ _assignHTMLElements : function(oAppContainer) { this.oAppContainer = oAppContainer; this.elTextToolBarArea = jindo.$$.getSingle("div.se2_tool"); this.elTextMoreButton = jindo.$$.getSingle("button.se2_text_tool_more", this.elTextToolBarArea); this.elTextMoreButtonParent = this.elTextMoreButton.parentNode; this.welTextMoreButtonParent = jindo.$Element(this.elTextMoreButtonParent); this.elMoreLayer = jindo.$$.getSingle("div.se2_sub_text_tool"); }, _addEventMoreButton : function (){ this.oApp.registerBrowserEvent(this.elTextMoreButton, "click", "EVENT_CLICK_EXPAND_VIEW"); this.oApp.registerBrowserEvent(this.elMoreLayer, "click", "EVENT_CLICK_EXPAND_VIEW"); }, $ON_EVENT_CLICK_EXPAND_VIEW : function(weEvent){ this.oApp.exec("TOGGLE_EXPAND_VIEW", [this.elTextMoreButton]); weEvent.stop(); }, $ON_TOGGLE_EXPAND_VIEW : function(){ if(!this.welTextMoreButtonParent.hasClass("active")){ this.oApp.exec("SHOW_EXPAND_VIEW"); } else { this.oApp.exec("HIDE_EXPAND_VIEW"); } }, $ON_CHANGE_EDITING_MODE : function(sMode){ if(sMode != "WYSIWYG"){ this.elTextMoreButton.disabled =true; this.welTextMoreButtonParent.removeClass("active"); this.oApp.exec("HIDE_EXPAND_VIEW"); }else{ this.elTextMoreButton.disabled =false; } }, $AFTER_SHOW_ACTIVE_LAYER : function(){ this.oApp.exec("HIDE_EXPAND_VIEW"); }, $AFTER_SHOW_DIALOG_LAYER : function(){ this.oApp.exec("HIDE_EXPAND_VIEW"); }, $ON_SHOW_EXPAND_VIEW : function(){ this.welTextMoreButtonParent.addClass("active"); this.elMoreLayer.style.display = "block"; }, $ON_HIDE_EXPAND_VIEW : function(){ this.welTextMoreButtonParent.removeClass("active"); this.elMoreLayer.style.display = "none"; }, /** * CHANGE_EDITING_MODE紐⑤뱶 �댄썑�� �몄텧�섏뼱�� ��. * WYSIWYG 紐⑤뱶媛� �쒖꽦�붾릺湲� �꾩뿉 �몄텧�� �섎㈃ APPLY_FONTCOLOR�먯꽌 �먮윭 諛쒖깮. */ $ON_RESET_TOOLBAR : function(){ if(this.oApp.getEditingMode() !== "WYSIWYG"){ return; } //�ㅽ렆泥댄겕 �リ린 this.oApp.exec("END_SPELLCHECK"); //�대┛ �앹뾽�� �リ린 �꾪빐�� this.oApp.exec("DISABLE_ALL_UI"); this.oApp.exec("ENABLE_ALL_UI"); //湲��먯깋怨� 湲��� 諛곌꼍�됱쓣 �쒖쇅�� �명똿 this.oApp.exec("RESET_STYLE_STATUS"); this.oApp.exec("CHECK_STYLE_CHANGE"); //理쒓렐 �ъ슜�� 湲��먯깋 �뗮똿. this.oApp.exec("APPLY_FONTCOLOR", ["#000000"]); //�붾낫湲� �곸뿭 �リ린. this.oApp.exec("HIDE_EXPAND_VIEW"); } });